The UIL Young Filmmakers Documentary Crew traveled to the State Awards Ceremony at the Paramount Theatre in Austin last Wednesday. Of nearly 700 video entries submitted, only the top 41 video contest entries premiered that night. Lytle’s Ruiz Inspires documentary was one that showed beautifully on the big screen. It was a proud night for all who attended. Our students got to see the best of the best in student film and animation production, and many individuals from other schools and other professionals in the film industry made a point to come over and tell us that our Ruiz Inspires documentary had a positive, personal effect on them. Coach Ruiz attended as well, and people pushed through the crowds just to get a chance to speak to him…Rockstar style.

While we did not walk away with a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place recognition, we are proud of our students who were passionate about their documentary project. They worked hard to create a piece of art that carries a strong, compelling, and positive message. If you know Cierra Cuenca, Paul Castro, Kayci Lopez, and Alexis Inocencio, please take a moment to congratulate them on their state-level success and for telling a dignified, unique, and uplifting story of one of Lytle’s very own.

Lorri Van De Walle

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