How P-Tech Shapes

the Future

Richard Tollett III, Education Pathway Student

It's a lot of hard work but I know that it will benefit me in the future.

- Richard Tollett, Education Student

Image of P-TECH Business student Abcde Inming

My school’s P-TECH Program is an incredibly enriching experience. This program provided valuable knowledge & skills in CNC machining as I work toward my Associates degree. P-TECH tremendously benefits me academically and personally while setting the foundation for success.

- Abcde Inming, CNC Student

Parent Stephanie Dunnam

My son has participated in P-TECH for 3 years. He initially chose the program for college credit. Now, he loves what he has learned and plans to do this trade as he furthers his education. The professors and experience have been a blessing. I am so thankful for this program.

- Stephanie Dunnam, Parent