Crisis Go / Safe2SpeakUP
Lytle ISD promotes a safe and healthy environment for learning and participating in activities. We consider bullying a serious matter. We diligently investigate each allegation and respond with appropriate interventions and/or consequences.
All reports are completely anonymous and will be sent directly to school administrators, although students have the option to reveal their identity if they prefer to have a person-to-person discussion.

Lytle ISD has added a communications tool called Safe2SpeakUP at our junior high and high school campuses, allowing our students and parents to quickly, easily, and anonymously report urgent information to school officials. The system empowers students to report bullying, drug use or other personal safety concerns through private messages sent on their mobile and computer Internet-enabled devices.
CrisisGo also has developed a mobile emergency response system that provides a student-safe app available to download and is currently available on all school provided devices. This app is an anonymous way to easily and comfortably communicate with safety teams, counselors, or other specific people based on report type.

Safe2SpeakUP App
Designed for students
The Safe2SpeakUP app is the student companion to CrisisGo's safety app that allows students ages 18 and under to play a part in school safety. Using Safe2SpeakUP, students can report bully-related activity for themselves or their friends, submit safety tips about incidents at schools, and access safety resources during the event of an emergency.
Once they obtain permission from their school districts, they can message within groups or with their school's safety team in charge of bullying. All activities are recorded for reporting purposes, and when selected, anonymity is ALWAYS preserved.
You an download from Google Play or the Apple App Store.